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Comet Pannstars on 01 Jul 2016 (observation 103)

Date:01 Jul 2016 (NZST)
Time:22:42 (NZST)
Title:Comet Pannstars
Took some photos of Comet Pannstars C/2013 X1 and general sky.
Started 2016-07-01 at 22:42:00 NZST.
Using live view magnified for focus works really well.
Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens, (x1.6) 15 seconds, ISO 1600.
Trailing visible when magnified but OK at smaller size.
Pannstars faint greenish glow on photo.
O322077 Sco Tail (50mm f2 15s 1600).
O322083 Panstarrs C2013 X1.
O322085 Sgr (50mm f2 15s 1600).


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