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Entry 23, on 2004-08-19 at 09:15:00 (Rating 1, Computers)

I love my iPod! I thought I would, but I also thought it might be one of those things that seems like a good thing to start with but gradually gets used less as the novelty value passes.

I have a lot of music which I have never had a chance to listen to. Now I just load it up and listen while I'm walking across the University to visit a client, waiting to collect kids from the Pool, etc.

At the moment I am going through a classical music phase and have been listening to some stuff I have had for a while - especially Mozart and Dvorak.

The iPod is a very nice device. The only problems I have with it are accidentally skipping tracks by bumping the touch sensitive controls, and how it scratches relatively easily while being transported in my pocket.


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