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Health vs Freedom

Entry 24, on 2004-08-20 at 08:08:22 (Rating 3, Politics)

We have a new law about to be introduced here making it illegal to smoke in public places such as bars and restaurants. I don't particularly approve of smoking, and I think there is sufficient evidence to show it is a major health risk, but that doesn't mean it should be totally banned.

There is always a conflict between what is in the public's best interest and what gives people maximum freedom, and it is often hard to choose the best compromise. I don't approve of overly restrictive laws to protect people when they should have the choice to do make their own decisions.

Its dangerous to allow bureaucrats to decide what the public should be able to do so, on balance, I believe this law is a bad thing. As long as each place is clearly marked as smoking or non-smoking I think the individual should be able to decide whether they go there or not.

If we allow politicians to make these sorts of rules who knows where it will end. Maybe drinking alcohol will be next, or is drinking coffee bad for you? I'm sure they mean well but in the end I would rather have more freedom instead of having someone else make all the decisions for me.


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