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Get Ye Hence!

Entry 469, on 2007-02-03 at 17:48:51 (Rating 5, News)

The CEO of Telecom, New Zealand, Theresa Gattung, has resigned! All I can say is "get ye hence, foul creature!". If we never see her again it will still be too soon. Some people are saying that some other big company will gladly take her as an executive. As long as its not one I have to deal with, that's fine. At least by resigning she's finally done something good for New Zealand.

She must be the most over-rated, incompetent, evil, despicable person I've come across for quite some time, and a great example that women are just as disgusting as men when they take on these positions of monopoly power. She's managed to create a company with a plummeting share price, huge customer dissatisfaction, out of date technology, and with no confidence from the government. And she was paid $3 million a year (10 times the prime minister's salary) for this? Well, the corporate world never ceases to amaze me.

Recently Telecom was awarded the "Supreme Ass Award" from the Consumers Institute. That was for their annoying ads telling you how great their Internet service was, while they ran the system into the ground producing hopeless performance for their poor suckers of customers. They also scored bottom for all New Zealand ISP's tested by Consumer. Oh yes, Theresa's a genius all right!

The most insulting thing I found when I briefly used Xtra "broadband" was this: I got sick of the poor performance of the Internet so I watched some TV only to be bombarded with Xtra's tedious ads about how good their broadband service was! Talk about adding insult to injury. Thanks for being so honest, Theresa.

I suppose she's happy that, having fooled so many New Zealanders into buying Telecom and Xtra services, and exploiting their monopoly situation she has managed to worsen our balance of trade figures by shipping huge profits overseas. She's a miracle worker really... we sure will miss her!


Comment 1 (324) by OJB on 2007-02-04 at 15:41:53:

Update: According to a news article, Theresa has no regrets concerning her time at Telecom. Well, I know that regretting a bad decision or missed opportunity won't make things better, but surely it must be possible to look back and say (or just think) "that was bad - I should have done better".

There were certainly plenty of things she could have done better. Just having a customer focus would have been a good start. I guess its all part of the arrogance of big business to refuse to accept that bad decisions did happen.


Comment 2 (325) by OJB on 2007-02-05 at 00:21:29:

Actually, I never realised how much I despise Telecom until I re-read that bitter invective!


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