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We're Doomed!

Entry 573, on 2007-07-16 at 17:07:29 (Rating 3, Religion)

Bishops in Britain are saying that the floods which have affected the country are God's punishment for a decadent society and people's refusal to follow Biblical laws. Apparently God is getting a bit upset with our sinful ways and is randomly killing off a few sinners to teach us all a lesson.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Its funny that these buffoons are providing some entertainment through their silly proclamations based on ideas from the Middle Ages but its sad that they might actually persuade some of their followers that its true.

What I want to know is why God is so bad at carrying out these punishments. To most of us they look just like natural events, not the punishment of a vengeful god. How are we supposed to take notice of god if he isn't a bit more clear about what he wants? If he doesn't like people polluting the planet for example, he could zap a few corrupt industrialists with lightning bolts. Why does he use such blunt instruments as floods which take out as many saints as sinners?

I've often wondered about faith healings in a similar way. If god really wanted people to get well why doesn't he have people grow back amputated limbs for example? Instead he sticks with curing problems which could easily be psychosomatic to start with! He's not exactly making his point very well in my opinion.

So I guess we just aren't getting the point and things are just going to get worse. Maybe god will just carry on with his current punishment regime and we'll all get nowhere. In reality we're all doomed! But that's what happens in any organisation when there's bad leadership from the top.


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