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Entry 67, on 2004-10-14 at 14:28:42 (Rating 1, Computers)

Apple have released their results for the quarter and things are looking pretty healthy. They sold almost 850,000 Macs and over 2 million iPods in that time and revenue was over US$2 billion.

Several IT industry commentators have suggested Apple might be heading into oblivion over the last few months (just as they have for many years now), and yet again they are totally wrong. I'd like to know why these idiots get paid for expressing opinions which anyone can see are pure nonsense. It just reinforces my opinion of the stupidity of the business world.

There's a cool site on the Internet called the "Apple Death Knell Counter", which lists all the predictions of Apple's demise going back around 10 years. Well it hasn't happened yet and it looks like it won't happen at all in the foreseeable future. Oh well, these business commentators will still be paid to spread there ill-informed opinions around, we'll just have to learn to ignore them!

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