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Freaks and Idols

Entry 692, on 2008-02-09 at 22:41:07 (Rating 2, Comments)

I have been watching American Idol here for the last few days. I guess this actual competition is most likely already over in the US because we probably see it later here, but that's not the point. I don't watch much TV, and especially not much "reality TV" but I can't resist watching the earlier episodes of the Idol programs (American Idol is probably best for reasons which will become apparent later).

The reason I like the first rounds of the program is that it brings out all the freaks and weirdos who, for some bizarre reason, actually think they can sing. The reactions of the judges, especially Simon, also amuse me, and I never know what their next sarcastic comment might be.

As the program goes on and the more competent singers take over it becomes too pretentious and tedious because none of the contestants are really any good and they all seem to have a sort of sameness to them which I find depressing.

So why do I enjoy watching people make idiots of themselves so much? Maybe its because I find most TV is so predictable and boring that this is one time when something a bit fresh and interesting is really shown. Maybe they could make the program better by choosing the weirdest and saddest contestants to go to the next round but, no, that would just be too easy.


Comment 1 (1121) by AJ on 2008-02-11 at 22:24:01:

Yes I think I agree with you on this one. I often get a little laugh from the strange acts they have near the beginning of Idol too!


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