Note: You are currently viewing my old web site. There is a new version with most of this content at OJB.NZ.
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This old site will stay on-line for a while, but maybe not indefinitely. Please update your bookmarks. Thanks.

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OJB Web Server Stats for 20 December 2024 at 8:12

This section shows the total page hits on the different sites hosted on my server during the time period mentioned. This comes from a MySQL database system accessed through PHP also running on this server.

1ojb:owenStarted 2003-09-19200497458 
2ojb:msgStarted 2003-09-20210966 
3ojb:omugStarted 2003-09-21118171 
4ojb:neptuneStarted 2003-09-21121641 
5ojb:homeStarted 2003-09-2178430 
6ojb:maqaiStarted 2008-03-2435259 
7ojb:hospiceStarted 2008-04-1415410 
8ojb:willowsStarted 2009-05-192199 
9ojb:postersStarted 2009-06-08112937 
10ojb:mentoringStarted 2013-07-225993 
11ojb:ojbStarted 2014-02-1533517 
12ojb:excelsiorStarted 2014-03-0122214 
13ojb:koligStarted 2017-03-189942 
Total201264137   +292692

New Areas Being Monitored

This section shows the total page hits on specific sub-sections of my web sites. I use this to monitor whether new area of my site are actually being viewed by anyone and often change it around when a new section is added.

101ojb:owen:religionStarted 2003-11-28111759 
102ojb:owen:musicStarted 2003-11-2898156 
103ojb:owen:microsoftStarted 2003-12-01111722 
104ojb:owen:moonhoaxStarted 2003-01-1630153 
105ojb:owen:warbirds2004Started 2004-04-1869624 
106ojb:owen:warbirds2006Started 2006-04-24144341 
107ojb:owen:blogStarted 2005-03-0354542212 
108ojb:owen:warbirds2010Started 2010-04-15114464 
New Total55222431   +74054

Number of Comments

This section shows the total number of comments left for all pages. I use this to monitor whether anyone is leaving comments about the pages they visit.

Total commentsStarted 2004-01-14170689

You can see a list of the comments and more information about them by going to my feedback page using the feature link at the bottom of this page. Note that only some pages on this site have the comment mechanism and the question varies depending on the type of page being accessed.

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